Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Hodgepodge of Information

Wow! So much has changed since I last posted!! I am now in San Antonio and have been for the past six days. We started internship on Tuesday, and we got a "day off" today to take care of personal business (i.e. unpack houses, take care of turning on utilities, etc.). I had a head start so today has been a pool day with Emily. She and mom came to SA last Friday and worked on getting the house together for my arrival on Saturday. I feel like there is so much to write about that I don't know where to even start....

The End of COT: After much marching practice we weren't sure whether or not we would get to (have to!) do the parade because there was a 70% chance of storms that morning. Honestly, I was praying hard for rain although I felt a little guilty since so many people had family who had arrived just for this event. Their prayers won out, and we got to march. I was also a winner (sarcasm) because I got to drive from Montgomery to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in hurricane-type weather. The rain was unbelievable, and ensured that I did not do something stupid like try to drive all the way to San Antonio. I stayed the night in Beaumont, Texas, eating dinner at a Taco Bell with some of the cutest little Texan children talking in their adorable accents. I asked one of the boys how far it was to Houston, and he promptly told me, "Maaaa'ammm, it'll take ya a good hooourrrr and a haaaaf." Or something like that.... I'm can't write in Texan, but you get the drift. They have dehumidifiers in the hotel rooms in Beaumont. That town had to be the most humid place on Earth!

Worthington: Starting with Emily, several of you (my loyal readers) have commented on my friendship with Worthington and have begun to play matchmaker in your little minds. I laugh to myself (ha,ha,ha!), and I thought I would fill you in.... Worthington is gay. Ha!!! Just kidding... not in the military (at least we don't ask, right?). Actually, Worthington is married with five kids, and he is Mormon. They don't do that multiple wives thing anymore either! His religion made for some very interesting conversations while on those long runs, and I have a whole new respect for those guys who show up at the front door on Saturday mornings when I'm trying to enjoy my coffee and newspaper. Did you know those guys have to go away from their families for two years after high school, being sequestered for months at a time, to learn how to do all that? Of course, they learn more than just how to ring a doorbell and politely hand out literature. I was really amazed at the depth of their education about the church and the dedication these folks have to their version of God. Worthington indicates (both in word and action) that the Mormon church is non-judgmental about other religions, and we discussed some of those "hot-button topics" like homosexuality. Anyway, I won't bore you with the details, but I just wanted to inform you all that my best COT friend was a guy.... a married guy. :)

Lackland: This Air Force base is practically a major city. The hospital is huge and there is about everything on base that a person could need/want. From horse stables and veteranarian clinics to fast food restaurants, pools, bowling alleys, and hiking trails, you can find anything at Lackland. Why even go to San Antonio? They even have auto shops to get your car serviced, and they will drop you off at your place of employment and pick you up at the end of the day! It's amazing!! I've completed two full days of orientation, and I think we will continue to orient and sign paperwork through the end of this week/early next week. My security clearance got messed up so I get to re-do paperwork tomorrow. I'm still unclear as to whether I have some big Top Secret clearance or if I have no clearance at all. They won't tell me.

GPS: Who invented this system?? I want to kiss that person!! I would totally be insane right now if it weren't for my Garmin! Although at times I think the thing is screwing with me- taking me home via different routes. Still, I couldn't do this and have a hair left on my head if it weren't for the GPS.

Alright... I've got a hungry girl here so I better rustle her up some grub! (I'm working on my Texan). We can cook it outside on the concrete since the temperature is well into the 100s! My car said 116 today!

I will try to keep the blog going. It's been a fun way to keep up with you all and stay connected. Thanks for inquiring and continuing to read it. :)


  1. Glad to see you are getting settled in.

  2. Hey Mandy, welcome to San Antonio...from Arkansas. It's good to read your thoughts. Sorry I was juvenile and hedonistic by mentioning Worthington at all. I'm ashamed of myself, for the moment... okay the shame is gone now! Please do keep us posted, its great to be a part of the adventure. Lots of Love, Kerry

  3. I was just getting jealous of Worthington - so I cannot apologise - all that time with such a wonderful and cute lady, lucky man I say!

  4. I am so glad to hear you are settling in and doing good. It sounds like a very exciting and busy time for you. I hope Emily is enjoying her time with you and is doing good. Grace said to tell her hello.

    All is good here. Studying for comps and about to pull my hair out. I don't know how you guys did it last year with comps being in the beginning or middle of the summer semester. It gives me a new appreciation for your struggles last year.

    Anyway--gotta hit the books. Take care.

