Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Sir, May I Make a Statment?"

So the title to this entry reflects the absurdity of the specific language we must use to address our superiors here at COT. Every statement, question, or response to a question must begin with the word "Sir" (or Ma'am; although most of the Ma'ams here could pass as Sirs!). Additionally, the statement "Will that be all?" which must come at the closing of every interaction with staff, must be followed by a "Sir." Finally, "thank you" is one of those semi-optionals: my observation is that it can have a Sir on the beginning or the end. I like to sandwich it just to make sure I've covered all my bases. We also must offer the greeting of the day to anyone and everyone we pass in the hallway or sidewalk. This involves keeping up with the exact time of the day because if you say "Good morning, Sir" to some of these folks at 1pm you cannot use the excuse that you're living on eastern time. You'll get corrected and sometimes yelled at. This is a ridiculous process when you imagine 330 students passing eachother in the halls all saying "Good morning" at the same time. I'm being passive aggressive and only saying it when I absolutely have to (to staff), and then when I do, I don't look at the person and say it really loud. I know, it's a feabile attempt at being a rebel, but it's all I've got right now.

My new favorite friend, Worthington (everyone goes by last names here), and I did an eight mile run this morning!!! FREEDOM!!! We enjoyed a great conversation running through the golf course, past ponds, through the woods, and back. Maxwell is actually a very pretty base when you get away from the COT area. We comisserated and discussed our observations about our group. Like most runners, we told some of our own stories too (yeah! a real conversation!). It was great.

This weekend we have some much needed down time. We're studying for a big test on Monday, and we (our squadron- about 100 of the 330) get a pizza party this evening because we had the most people volunteer to give blood for the blood drive they had today. Yes, I gave... got cookies!!

I miss my kiddos. I miss my friends. I try not to think about it too much because I'll start to cry... although that's probably exactly what I need- a good cry. Sometimes I think, "why the heck am I doing this?" Fortunately, the Air Force knew I'd be questioning that (they seem to be thinking for me these days) and provided us with a briefing yesterday on all the "perks" of being on their payroll. Dad, you'll be glad to know I should be getting a check on Tuesday.

I don't think there are words that are expressive enough to convey my gratitude to all of you who are reading this and commenting. It really does help to see your thoughts and encouragements. It's like getting to hear your voices. You're with me all the time.

"Will that be all, Sir?"


  1. Good Evening, Ma'am. Sleep tight and don't let the bed-bugs bite. Will that be all? Thank you, Ma'am :)

  2. We miss you too! Emma went out for an adventure yesterday morning and brought Sandy back to visit. (Jan & Rob, so sorry...)

    I think it would be really hard to talk to someone like that and not just bust out laughing, but I'm guessing that would be a really wrong thing to do. Only laugh on the inside, OK?

    Went and got takeout from the Thai place tonight, not quite as good as the first night and not anywhere near as much fun as with you and Melinda.

    You are incredibly strong!!!

  3. Mandy:
    I´ve been enjoying your postings and remembering some similar times in my own life where you just have to slog through it.

    Now I´m finding that it all has paid off and it was worth it because now I´m a lot stronger than most of the people in the office and can put up with a lot.

    Hang in there, we´re pulling for you.

    Uncle Johnny

  4. Sounds like an elaborate and potentially abusive version of "Mother May I?"

    It's probably good that you get to experience their psychological conditioning first hand.

  5. I have to say that when I read this (yes during class) I got all teary eyed. I do miss having you at the house. Everyone has moved out and it is very quiet. I will say it is a needed quiet--especially at this time of my life. I know you must be tired. I am too. I hate thinking about comps and I decided to try and get an internship at the clinic--as of yesterday I made this decision. It brings a whole new meaning--this decision making--to the difficulty of the decision you made.

    Hang in there! I read whenever I can! I do miss you--imagine me giving you hugs!!


