Monday, July 13, 2009

Death by Powerpoint

Today was the never-ending day of powerpoint presentations in the auditorium where all 330 of us pile in, raising the room temperature by at least ten degrees, and attempt to keep our eyes open while being bored into oblivion by the history of the U.S. Air Force. I don't know what's worse, drill or "the big red bed" as the auditorium is affectionately known. During break one of the guys in my flight said he remained alert by counting the number of seconds between people's coughing with the record for longest time being a mere 12 seconds. Upper respiratory infections are plowing through our group like ants at a picnic. Little germs are setting into all these compromised immune systems. So far so good for me. I've doubled up on Vitamin C, and I'm hoping the running will help prevent me from getting sick. I did another 6 mile run on Sunday morning with Worthington and three others. This morning we had a thunderstorm, which kept us from any physical activity. I don't like it when we don't get PT in the morning because I think it really helps me get through the day. Today we had our second exam so having an extra hour to study wasn't too bad. I made a 94% on the test! I was shooting for 80% so I'm quite pleased. My motto: all you gotta do is pass!

Yesterday I had the luxury of going to the BX. I got to eat FRENCH FRIES!!! with KETCHUP!! at my own pace! Wow! I'm really learning how to appreciate the little things in life. I've just about mastered the art of going back to sleep after the 4am ROTC wake up. We don't actually get up until 4:30am, but because I'm in the ROTC dorm, we are awakened when their bugle call goes off.

On a brighter note, my household goods (that's AF talk for "all your stuff") will be arriving at my new home in San Antonio on Thursday evening. It will be moved in and ready for me when I get there on July 31st/Aug. 1st. I spoke to my new neighbor, Mitch, on the phone last night. He sounds like a very polite young man (as do they all because everyone is so conditioned to say "yes sir, yes ma'am"). I also talked to my landlord, who is traveling with her two children, dog, and two cats on a plane to Japan right now. I guess things could be worse.

As always, I love your comments. Keep 'em coming!

Off to bed....


  1. is your landlord relocating to Japan?

    they only have the history of the Air Force on powerpoint? why can't they pony up the cash for at least a short documentary? Navy flyboys and flygirls get Top Gun. What does the Air Force get? Powerpoint. I guess all their funding went to the stealth bomber and the SR71 Blackbird.

  2. Hey there Mandy! I had to catch-up with the blogs since I was away in the Smoky Mtns. last week. Wow it was a great trip! Hung out with river raft guides (about 12 of em!) for a week. Good to see that you're kick'n butt and still keeping a sense of humor. Stay strong!

  3. Mandy, I hope you got my "Song" It seemed better to send it by email and not in public! Randy and I had our 35 wedding anni Monday! I took the morning off from the gym. Hope you don't catch all the bugs going around. Take care. Aletha

  4. I think I am going to try and start running again---tomorrow morning!

