Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day Eight; 22 To Go!

Can anyone say "EXHAUSTION"??? I was almost to the point of catatonic sitting in class this afternoon. Today was Project X. This involves scenarios, such as "your plane is flying over the jungle and is shot down. You're being pursued by the enemy and have only 20 minutes to cross this gorge with only a 2X4, a rope, and a toothpick (okay, slight exaggeration...) You have a flight member with two broken legs on a stretcher who you have to carry across (they used a dummy- I was hoping I might get this job- lying on the stretcher!)" They don't actually set up a gorge but poles, etc. that represent the gorge. It's a problem solving/leadership activity. It was pretty fun, but very hard. I did get to swing on a rope onto a wall that was about 15 feet high. However, I have a horrible bruise on the back of my right knee that is killing me.

Tempers are beginning to wear thin. We are all falling asleep during breaks but at least our flight commander is very understanding about it. On a brighter note, I got to skip the lunch MRE today because of my "all important" postal pick-up job! I have dinning preference right at noon when I go to get the mail so that I can get back by 1pm.

It rained today!!!!!!!! LOVE THAT!!!

The cleaning people stole my king size pillow!!!! HATE THAT!! I know I shouldn't complain too much... who gets a cleaning service at basic training? :)

As for the indoctrination question, the propaganda here is over the top. I've seen more planes blow things up in the last eight days than I have in my entire life! I'm really not too much of an "action adventure" movie fan, and I'm at the point of just not even looking at the screen anymore when the stuff comes on. You have to be seriously "patriotic" to really get into this. I can see where it would really appeal to 18 year old boys trying to find their way in the world. Imagine all those GO ARMY commercials you've seen on TV. Now imagine watching them 23 times in one day! (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration again)

Better get to sleep.....

"Off we go, into the wild blue yonder!"


  1. Hey Capt Mandy! It sounds like you are having alot of memorable experiences! I really enjoy reading all about it. I wish I was there right along with you. We could kick some obstacle booty!! Hey, I heard a blonde joke today. The blonde's red headed sister said she slept with a Brazilian man. The blonde said, "you slut! How many is a brazilian?" hehehehe! a brazilian.....too much.
    All things are good here. I have been swimming after running two days a week. Still lift with Aletha and Melissa on Wed and Fri. I am definitely NOT signing up for a tri any time soon. Finally getting some of the girls from the clinic to run on Sat. Had 3 that did their first 5 last Sat. I was so impressed. They did it without even crying like I did!
    Talk to you soon.
    Love you,

  2. Saw your double running up Gaither this morning. Thought of you! It was a beautiful morning, too:) Thanks for sharing your days with us. Just think, in 21 days it'll all be over and from then on a "piece of cake." Chocolate, perhaps? Love, Lucia
