Saturday, July 18, 2009

Corona, anyone?

This week has been very busy (as if the other two weeks weren't?). I've figured out a way to stay awake during the never-ending lectures: sit by Worthington. The lectures are much more entertaining when I have someone to bounce my thoughts off of. For instance:

Lecturer: The birth of the U.S. Air Force occurred on September 18, 1947
Me: Interesting, Worthington, the Air Force is a Virgo!

Thoughts like this keep us both laughing, which we have to contain, which requires a great deal of energy, which then keeps us awake. Nice strategy, huh.

I'm feeling a little more like myself today. Last night I got to wear real clothes and have a real beer! Yes, folks, we now have off-base privileges so a group of us went to the bowling alley last night. I did not bowl, but I enjoyed onion rings (with lots of ketchup!) and a couple of Coronas. Wow! Those things really go to your head when you haven't had one in nearly a month! It was a great time getting to laugh and hang out with the guys (and one girl, Shannon, she's my favorite girl here). Worthington and I did a five mile run around the base this morning and the weather was absolutely perfect for July in Alabama. We're planning to go off base tomorrow morning and do a longer run. Today will involve studying for a test we have on Monday (although I am finding many procrastination opportunities this morning!).

I am very proud to say that I scored 100% on my fitness test!! I got that mile and a half down to 11:46 (11:54 was the best you could score) and did 55 sit ups and 36 push ups in one minute. Mary, you are the bomb! I couldn't have done it without all your training over the past year or so! I was one of only two females in my squadron (about 100 people) who scored 100%!!! The other girl was quite young! Horray for us "older" women!! :)

I've lost four pounds and one inch. However, I think the Air Force may fudge this a little bit because Worthington says there is no way he has lost nine pounds and four inches. I think they pad it so that we'll feel like we're accomplishing something.

This past week we got to do a WELPS course. I have no idea what WELPS stands for (the Air Force only talks in acronyms and even our flight commander doesn't know what they mean half the time). This activity involved using a compass to determine directions to go based on a scenario. I, of course, was not the compass-user for our group, but I did get to display my expert high-crawl techniques. Thank God I put those awful knee pads on because we literally had to crawl around on the grass for over 20 minutes! I know you're thinking, "big deal? crawl around on the grass?" If you doubt that this is difficult, go out in your yard when it's 95 degrees, strap on some knee pads, and crawl around for awhile. 20 minutes is an eternity! However, I would rather crawl around on the grass than sit in that wretched auditorium! We all agreed WELPS was better than lecture.

To keep things interesting for you, I'll throw in a little foreshadowing. Next week... two nights away from my comfy little bunkbed... camping. Yes, we will be in tents next week for AEF (or is it AEC? I can't keep up?). I'm sure there will be some stories to tell. I'm not looking forward to the primitive showers and the port-a-potties.

Finally, I'm happy to report that my wonderful sponsor in San Antonio got all my stuff moved in to my new house! I can't wait to get there!!

Aletha, I loved the song and happy anniversary!
Brandi, keep up the running!! You can do it!! :)
Lucia, thank you for the postcard! Love the picture!
Mom, thank you for all the cards... sometimes you make me tear up! I'm keeping my chin up.
Everyone, your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. Your comments help me to feel connected!! Love you all.

Carry on.....


  1. Mandy, I am so happy that you are the "OLD WOMAN" now!! We girls worked out legs last Wednesday and they (note they not I) were all singing the leg blues the next day. But not me, cause I had been working legs every week!!! For once I wasn't the "old woman". Hang in there and for goodness sakes keep that sense of humor, I for one am loving it. Aletha

  2. Possible WELPS definition:
    When Every Lecture Presentation Sucks
    We Enlisteds Love Painful Sh*t

  3. Hang in there girl! I love your posts--they make me smile. It is so good to know the Air Force is a Virgo--LOL.

    Just remember I am praying for you and you can achieve whatever you dream!

    Love Ya,

