Monday, June 29, 2009

"Ride, Captain, Ride Upon Your Mystery Ship"

Today is the BIG day! The one we've all been waiting for, the big one, the new start, the end of the line, the... okay, you get the picture. So my mom has been bugging the crap out of me to do this, and it might be a nice way to chronicle my thoughts and observations of the experience known as Joining the Military (cue menacing music).

I drove from Harrison to Montogomery yesterday listening to some great CDs that my friends put together for me. Everything from "Sweat" by C & C Music Factory (Mary's pick) to "You've Got a Friend" (thanks for that tear-jerker, Lucia) to the above, title of this blog (nice one, Melissa). Thanks to all of you who contributed your music. I absolutely love the CD. It's like having a little piece of you everywhere I go. Melinda put together some selections she titled, "Arbitrary Diversions" with instructions to me not to analyze it or try to find any hidden meanings in there- they're just random songs. However, she was wrong! She threw in some songs with a lot of meaning! :)
That song from Hope Floats, yeah, that was in there, and then "Just Like Heaven" by the Cure, mhmm, that one's got some meaning too. The CDs helped pass the miles and were a nice distraction from the spinning thoughts in my mind. I made it to Montgomery by 7:45pm, checked into a hotel, and got a pizza. I was asleep by 9:30pm.

This morning has been pretty lazy with a four mile run, some reviewing of paperwork, and checking email. Speaking of email, Melissa sent a quotable quote (italics are mine):

Choosing Faith Over Fear
Faith demands that, despite our fear, we get as close as possible to the truth of the present moment so that we can offer our hearts fully to it, with integrity. Faith is willing to engage the unknown, not shrink back from it. Faith doesn’t mean the absence of fear. It means having the energy to go ahead, right alongside the fear. The word courage in English has the same etymological root as the French coeur, which means “heart.” With courage we openly acknowledge what we can’t control, and place our hearts wisely on our ability to connect with the truth of the moment and to move forward into the uncharted terrain of the next moment.
We might (and often must) hope and plan and arrange and try, but faith enables us to be fully engaged while also realizing that we are not in control. To be able to make an intense effort—to heal, to speak, to create, to alleviate our suffering or the suffering of others—while guided by a vision of life with all its mutability, evanescence, dislocations, and unruliness, is the particular gift of faith.
-Sharon Salzberg

[Gulp] brought me to tears, the first of several this morning (and I'm anticipating many more to come). So, here I am... ready for the adventure. I'll try real hard not to get too sappy and whinny. The purpose of the blog is to provide you all (anyone who wants to read it) with an inside view of what it is like to "join the military." Being one who has historically been pretty critical of the military, I find it rather ironic that this is where I am... but then, you already saw the irony too. ;)

Ride on....


  1. Wonderful!! Thank you for getting this started--it will be helpful for all of your friends and family!
    Abolutely Divine (pun intended) quote from Melissa!

    with my love
    your forever interested mom

  2. Cool Mandy. Hope all goes well. Aletha

  3. Great idea my special friend. Can't wait to see Captain McCorkindale in Texas later this year. Meanwhile, "enjoy the ride!"Love, Lucia

  4. Great idea my special friend. Looking forward to following the journey of Captain McCorkindale. See you in Texas later this year! Love, Lucia

  5. I will be watching, Cap'n. Wish we coulda connected prior to your departure, but know that you have Stayed in my thoughts/prayers since our last visit. Your comments on Faith remind me of one of my favorite (and well-worn) sayings: "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." - That's an Al-Anon quote from WAY back in the day : ) Continues to be true ~ Jillian.

  6. This is a great idea! I'm looking forward to hearing more about how it's going...

  7. Wow, I can't believe your actually there, doing this thing! It gives me goose bumps. I keep thinking about the seemingly innocuous, now timeless moment that Brandi turned around at Clearinghouse and said "the airforce, can civilians apply to that? Let's see." And now, there you are continuing on this ever interesting and amazing journey! Thanks for sharing it with us. Now I'll get you have your words of wisdom out there in the big bad world of internship!

  8. so, I tried to comment, but guess I needed a gmail account. So I have one now.
    So, God works in strange ways....we have prayed for the healing of mother earth for ages...perhaps planting healers in the military is the Divine way to achieve inner healing.....
    I pray for you at least once a day and will continue, as I travel past your house. As I have since you became myfirst friend here.
